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Comment The NPR said that? (Score 1) 117

Did the NPR really say, âoe... investigated by a coalition of 11 state attorney generalsâ? The NPR has editors and proofreaders, they know that itâ(TM)s not âoeattorney generalsâ but âoeattorneys generalâ, plus they know that DC is not a state. What their article said was, âoeNow, 10 state attorneys general and the District of Columbia are taking on the issue with an investigation into eight national fast-food chains.â

Copy/paste is your friend.

Comment Re:My data will be readable (Score 2) 358

From a 2002 slashdot story:

mccalli writes :
"Thought people might find this amusing. In 1986, the UK compiled an electronic [copy of the] domesday book. They used BBC Master computers to do it, and the result was put on laserdisc. I actually used this project whilst at school. This article states that nothing can now read these merely 15-year old discs. The original, written approx. 1086, is still doing fine thank you very much."
Sounds like a good candidate for Bruce Sterling's Dead Media Project. (Speaking of Sterling, the "graying cyberpunk" has an interesting article in the Austin Chronicle on the upcoming SXSW Interactive conference called "Information Wants to be Worthless" -- thanks to reader ag3n7.)

Submission + - Microsoft Apologizes for Employee's Xbox 'Always-Online' Tweets 1

An anonymous reader writes: On Thursday, Microsoft Studios creative director Adam Orth sent out a slew of tweets implying that he sees nothing wrong with rumors of Microsoft’s next Xbox, codenamed Durango, requiring an “always-on” Internet connection to function. Unsurprisingly, the backlash from users was massive, and although Orth ended up setting his Twitter account to private to hide them from the general public, by then the damage had already been done.

Microsoft on Friday released an official statement regarding the tweets: "We apologize for the inappropriate comments made by an employee on Twitter yesterday. This person is not a spokesperson for Microsoft, and his personal views do not reflect the customer centric approach we take to our products or how we would communicate directly with our loyal consumers. We are very sorry if this offended anyone, however we have not made any announcements about our product roadmap, and have no further comment on this matter."
Electronic Frontier Foundation

DOJ Often Used Cell Tower Impersonating Devices Without Explicit Warrants 146

Via the EFF comes news that, during a case involving the use of a Stingray device, the DOJ revealed that it was standard practice to use the devices without explicitly requesting permission in warrants. "When Rigmaiden filed a motion to suppress the Stingray evidence as a warrantless search in violation of the Fourth Amendment, the government responded that this order was a search warrant that authorized the government to use the Stingray. Together with the ACLU of Northern California and the ACLU, we filed an amicus brief in support of Rigmaiden, noting that this 'order' wasn't a search warrant because it was directed towards Verizon, made no mention of an IMSI catcher or Stingray and didn't authorize the government — rather than Verizon — to do anything. Plus to the extent it captured loads of information from other people not suspected of criminal activity it was a 'general warrant,' the precise evil the Fourth Amendment was designed to prevent. ... The emails make clear that U.S. Attorneys in the Northern California were using Stingrays but not informing magistrates of what exactly they were doing. And once the judges got wind of what was actually going on, they were none too pleased:"

Submission + - Evernote security compromised (

starburst writes: Another online company has had its security compromised. A good reminder to keep a close eye on who you keep your data with in the cloud. Nothing is totally secure, it's always a compromise between security and convenience.

Comment Re:First my beloved Viper fighter, now this (Score 5, Informative) 820

According to Alive Past 5 .com

The Top Five Causes Of Unintentional Injury involving children:

1. Car Accidents: Kill 260,000 children a year and injure about 10 million children. They are the leading cause of death among children and a leading cause of child disability.
2. Drowning: Kills more than 175,000 children annually. Up to 3 million children each year survive a drowning incident. Due to brain damage in some survivors, nonfatal drowning has the highest average lifetime health and economic impact of any type of child injury.
3. Burns: Fire-related burns kill nearly 96,000 children a year.
4. Falls: Nearly 47,000 children fall to their deaths every year, but hundreds of thousands more children sustain serious injuries from a fall.
5. Poisoning: More than 45,000 children die each year from unintended poisoning.

Looks like there is a whole lot more that needs to be banned, or re-labeled. Think of the children.


Submission + - Twitter as realtime sports reporter (

mikejuk writes: Can people be used as a "sensor net" to detect when important events happen? A group of researchers at Rice University (Houston) think that
"The global human population can be regarded as geographically distributed, multimodal sensors"
When it comes to sporting events it seems that all you have to do is look to the twitter frequency. The system that they created seems to work for most games. The exception to this is the Super Bowl for the reason that the sheer number of tweets about the game saturated the Twitter distribution system and so they couldn't pick out the maximum in tweet frequencies. They also have some interesting observations on how fast tweets follow an event.

Comment Re:But if that's right... (Score 3, Interesting) 774

I posted this in January 2005:

Drakes formula allows some kind of estimate as to the number of intelligent societies there might be "out there".

The following is from a great book by A.K. Dewdney: Yes, We Have no Neutrons.

The formula is N = R* x Fp x Ne x Fl x Fi x Fc x L

For which:
R* = number of new stars that form in our galaxy each year
Fp = fraction of stars having planetary systems
Ne = average number of life-supporting planets per star
Fl = fraction of those planets on which life develops
Fi = fraction of life forms that become intelligent
Fc = fraction of intelligent beings that develop radio
L = average lifetime of a communicating society

The formula has appeared in several popular science magazines with the values set to:

N = 10 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 0.01 x 0.1 x L

So, N = 0.01 x L

The only numbers in the formula which anything other than a guess can be made are R* and L. Based on current observations most set R* at 10. Everything else in the formula would be a wild guess, except for L. More is known about L than any other part of the formula, since we are a communication society. Since we receive more and more of our communication from satellites, cable, and the internet, we are broadcasting less and less away from the earth. In the near future we will likely go dark as a significant source of radio/broadcast signals capable of being detected from space. If we say that our source of signals is about 100 years, drop the 100 back into the formula and you get 1. That must be us.


Submission + - New paint provides wireless network protection

thefickler writes: Forget WEP and WPA; I'm switching over to the EM-SEC Coating System, a recently announced paint developed by EM-SEC Technologies that acts as an electromagnetic fortress, allowing a wireless network to be contained within painted walls without fear of someone tapping in or hacking wireless networks.

The EM-SEC Coating System is clearly the most secure option aside from stringing out the CAT5, and can be safely used to protect wireless networks in business and government facilities.

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