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Journal spirit00's Journal: You, Me and the Windshield 1

Let's get crazy and go for a ride
It's quarter past five, we'll go anywhere but here
Ol' Rand McNally we'll leave behind
Trust me, we'll be just fine
We can unwind
No doubt, no lie, bye bye, baby let's drive

Na na na, na na na, na na na naaaaaa
Let your hair out, kick your feet up
Don't slow down, can't get enough
'Cause if you really wanna know, go on and let's go
Baby you and me and the windshield.....singing
Na na na, na na na, na na na naaaaaa

We can play 99 bottles of beer on the wall
Damn, it don't matter at all, 'cause I'm with you
We can drive all day, enjoy the ride
Pull off when we get tired
Feels good, all right, on the hood baby you and me tonight
Sleep tight

Marcel Chagnon

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You, Me and the Windshield

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