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Comment Banana and ham everywhere (Score 1) 301

Everyone has that one user... you know... the one that can't be trusted on a good day. But what happens when he has a bad day?

So, I get given a laptop, doesn't work. Screen is broken, foot print on the back. keys missing, ham, butter, bread and banana in all the ports on the outside and squashed into the keyboard. I had a chat and worked out what happened. We had extended warentee we rarely used, covered up to 5 replacements of anything up to the whole laptop for a 3 year period. This guy was down to the last replacement and the laptop was being replaced next month, out of warrantee.

Not only had he destroyed his 3g dongle but the only thing still working in the machine was the HDD. He had been in a rush that morning, thrown his lunch in his bag, closed his laptop (the latch was broken because of previous damage) and stuffed it in his bag. He wasn't careful, it wouldn't go in so he forced it in. taxi arrived, he jumped in with laptop still poorly secured. He left the taxi the other end, tilted his bag wrong whilst getting out and his laptop fell out of his bag, flipped open and landed face down on the pavement just prior to his foot.

Yes, he put it in the same compartment as his lunch, that was ruined too. Yes he was too dense to figure that out. Yes... just... no one wants to pick 2 day old banana out of an ethernet port. Yes he was important enough no one cared how badly he treated his equipment. Yes it's still funny.

it survived it's last month after having basically the whole laptop replaced and went onto the defunct pile as basically brand new old stock. Sold to the highest bidder for charity and fetched a decent amount.

Comment Contractor murdered blade centre (Score 1) 301

This is a story I love because.... it wasn't my office or my responsibility and the whole thing was a freaking nightmare.

Very small server room, very tight, 3 rows of racks and not enough room between them for a server lift. literally shimmying around each other if there was more than 1 person in there. We didn't like it and were planning to move it to another office. Aircon wasn't very reliable so we asked for new to be installed. Contractor comes in and drills a hole and blasts plaster all over the room and mainly on the blade centre directly underneath.

Following week new aircon leaks because water doesn't run uphill, pissed all over said blade centre turning said insides into now slurry mix of plaster powder and water. Night night Barry the blade centre. lucky we had spare chassis in storage but still. glad that wasn't my job at 3am Friday morning, especially as you have to strip the entire blade centre and fight to get a 16u chassis out between the racks and then put a new one back and try to rebuild the whole setup.

Do I win?

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