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Comment Re:People Will Die, Again (Score 1) 198

Trump sucks at many things, but if there is one thing he is good at, it's staying out of prison. He's spent his whole life, honing this skill where he dodges legal repercussions from all his shady dealings. He works his magic by 1) keeping himself far removed enough that he can't be successfully implicated, 2) using his powers to tamper with the system to the extent that he can and 3) immediately lawyers up when the shit hits the fan. You will see Trump six feet under from old age (hopefully sooner than later) before you see him in prison.

Comment Re: Biden war monger (Score 1) 92

Under trump the world had a period of relative peace, particularly in the Middle East. He stopped the Obama bush wars. There is no denying that. But you guys enjoyed people getting blown up in Syria iraq and Iran and Afghanistan so you brought back one of the guys responsible for the continuation of those endless wars. You are getting what you wanted. Congratulations.

Yeah, you're right. War-mongering Biden enjoys "people getting blown up" so much that he's withdrawing from Afghanistan in September.

Comment Re:Doesn't have anything to do with US dollars. 19 (Score 2) 102

He will never hold another political office again.

This is based on what exactly? You do realize he got more votes than any incumbent president in history, right? Trump may be out of office and out of the public eye, but the GOP's loyalty is still with him. He is the kingmaker and the de facto leader of the party. His voters worship him like the second coming of Christ. Don't believe me? Just go to the comments section of places like Breitbart or Fox News and you can see the veneration. That con-man is still a danger to his country. He spent 4 years attempting to erode our checks and balances, culminating with the Jan.6 attack of the US capitol which has a snowball's chance in hell of being investigated by a bipartisan commission. His nefarious actions and intentions to be exposed at every possible minute.

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