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Comment Say you laid off the whole team without saying you (Score 1) 32

Of course everyone "works on security", but only the security team members were actually on that team. So their response may be true, but they just reinforced the statement from the team member that got laid off, the entire team is in fact gone.

Comment "Turn himself in" - to who exactly? (Score 1) 564

He isn't charged with anything or wanted by anyone in the US. While he's not a "most favorite person" in the US, he's not wanted for anything there, so turning himself in is pretty much moot? He *is* wanted in Sweden on rape charges though. If he offered to turn himself in to Swedish authorities maybe we'd all take this as more than cheap theater?

Comment go learn something (Score 1) 474

Helpdesk positions are the greatest if you want to learn ANYTHING. Especially if you need to cover an evening shift, you've got lots of gear and lots of time. You have the entire computer inventory and assets of the company at your disposal - buy a book and learn something that someone is hiring for, then go interview. Linux is a good choice, but so is SQL, Oracle, Networking and Security, or Virtualization. Essentially just pick something (anything) and become an expert. Learn anything that isn't Windows and AD, because the perception is that anyone coming out of college or highschool knows that stuff - this isn't true by the way, but you're not going to convince the person who's interviewing you of that. Alternatively, if you can swing a student loan, go back to school for 2-3 years and get a masters, there will never be a better time than right now - this is always true at a personal level, no matter what the economic situation is.

Comment books (Score 1) 1419

no one has mentioned the hobbit yet - if they're pre-teens, it's an easier read than lord of the rings. anything by bradbury should be fine for that age as well. my 7 year old is reading the star wars books (ie books from the films) - he's enjoying them quite a bit, but they don't really qualify as "literature". how about jules verne? i read 20,000 leagues under the sea at 10-ish. but then again, i also read beowulf translations and le morte d'arthur by then, so maybe i'm not the best one to give advice ... tho on reflection, the "real" beowulf isn't a bad read for a bloodthirsty 10 year old ...

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