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Comment Re:Upgradability only works if supported. (Score 1) 76

Incidentally, I have another display idea that would be almost as good as Valerie's 3 full displays... possibly, even better, because it wouldn't require 4 feet of horizontal space: a central 3840x1440 display, flanked by a pair of double-hinged 1920x1440 displays that could fold out, forward (like window shutters) so you could close the lid, or backward (so they'd be facing the rear).

This would give you a big 3:2 primary display for things like an IDE, flanked by a pair of 3:4 displays... say, the one on the left for a pdf document or web page that's being referred to, and the one on the right for something like the Android emulator, a window for whatever is being tested/debugged, etc.

When folded against the back of the middle display, you could either turn them off (say, if you're on a plane & don't have room to open them outward), or use them as a pair of 3:4 rear-facing displays (or, if a middle seam is tolerable, a rear-facing 3:2 display).

This is a very Interesting concept!

Comment Re:Upgradability only works if supported. (Score 1) 76

There is a 7 screen (4x4KUHD and 3x7inch 1920x1200) laptop prototype called the Aurora 7 from a company in the UK called Expanscape that also features upgradeable graphics, CPU, RAM etc. The initial Aurora 7 prototype featured an i9900k but the new A7M3 prototype supports the 10 core Intel i10900k or the 16 core AMD 3950x. The interesting thing is that that the A7M3 prototype is available for purchase right now. They are making and selling prototypes during the development stage which is interesting. While Razers Valerie prototype (If it's ever released) may not feature an upgradeable processor it would likely use some type of MXM card like the Aurora 7 and A7M3 so in theory that would be upgradeable. I've actually used Expanscapes Aurora 7 prototype (i9900k) last week and while it is larger than most laptops when opened in practice it works quite well and is amazing to work on.

Comment ExpanscapeUK have a 64G RAM Dual Screen Pocket SVR (Score 1) 29

Some company called Expanscape in the uk have a dual screen pocket server that has 64G ram and a i7 quad. It's called a "TeenySERV" LOL! They just tweeted about a Windows10X on this teenyserv thing! It's kinda crazy as they have a mad 7 screen laptop as well LOL! Yes 7 screens - built into a laptop ha ha haaaaa! The laptop is called Aurora 7 - for the 7 screens I guess LOL!

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