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Journal morcheeba's Journal: ghost article: SCO Claims Open Source Unconstitutional? 1

SCO Claims Open Source Unconstitutional?
Posted by CmdrTaco in The Mysterious Future!
from the watching-the-train-wreck-in-slow-motion dept.
bicorne writes "In yet another twist to the SCO vs. Open Source lawsuit, Linux News is reporting that Darl McBride now claims that "...developers who believe 'software should be free' cannot prevail against the U.S. Congress and voices of seven U.S. Supreme Court justices who believe that 'the motive of profit is the engine that ensures the progress of science,'... Our system of copyright laws is built on the foundation of the U.S. Constitution." The Open Source = Communision arguement has been used for a while but this?"
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ghost article: SCO Claims Open Source Unconstitutional?

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