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Journal mercedo's Journal: Devided Koreans

In East Asia some people used to call Korean as 'Jews In East Asia'. I was unable to realise why Koreans are called 'Jews'. I had no idea though today when I was browsing some classics I found the description that Jewish people were devided into two in some age in ancient times. They were devided into two countries, one is Israel and the other was Judas from 900 B.C. to 587 B.C. But in history there were many countries which were devided into two or three countries. Roman Empire was devided in 286, the Western Roman Empire lasted till 467 and Eastern Roman Empire lasted till 1453. And The Frank Kingdom ( from 419 ) was devided into three, that is Germany, France, and Italy in 843. We might start calling Koreans Romans or Franks if devision was the only reason. In conclusion I might have to say East Asians don't know many about Western cultures.
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Devided Koreans

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