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Journal mercedo's Journal: Show Her Beauty Off

Before she visited my house, she repeatedly insisted that she wants to visit my office. Of course we cannot visit inside my office, but still we can visit there as customers. She has insisted before she came to my house.

So we went to my office as a customer.

She is 46, but of course very pretty.That's why I fell in love with her. Many colleages amazed to look at us. I was reluctant to enter the premises before the entrance. But I decided to enter the premises after she told me that I mind a strange point. After we got out of the shop, I was very proud of my being with my girlfriend. Probably she wanted to let them know how my girlfriend looks. She is a very confident woman.

It's a bit topsy-turvy today's office. Many people told me it's unbeliebable I was able to get such a pretty woman. (I was known to be a holder of very unique personality among colleagues.) Other comments were her face is like a child's, her character seems strong, etc.

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Show Her Beauty Off

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