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User Journal

Journal mercedo's Journal: Fascinating! 4

subgeek (263292), thank you for befriending me. I'd like to show my deepest gratitude to you.
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  • for the most humble person online award
  • by subgeek ( 263292 ) *
    i wasn't expecting a whole JE to commemorate the event.

    it's funny. i clicked the link to this journal while working on something else. a couple minutes later i glanced at the screen, saw subgeek (263292) at the top, and immediately concluded that i was going to be reading an automated page when i got around to it. i was surprised when i looked again a few minutes later and saw that it was someone addressing me personally and not an automated message. things change when given more than a passing amount o

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
