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Journal mercedo's Journal: New Love 7

As I wrote in my last JE, I got a new love. But who cares about love between 47 year old menopausal woman and 44 year old single guy? I don't think there are many. She is a beautiful woman with slender body but her aging in naked body was apparent. I will be able to learn the wisdom of life which I am unable to do from young girls. Above of all things, I can quench my loneliness with the woman, that's more than anything.
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New Love

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  • I prefer an older lady myself. There's less foolishness.
    • As to this, I accord with your opinion completely.
    • I prefer an older lady myself. There's less foolishness.

      Less foolishness yes... however, what ear plugs and temporary blindness can't handle with the young women cash can. As for the aging body... ewwww! I'm sorry if I'm being offensive but I would much rather perky boobs and a tight buttocks, if I want stimulating conversation at 44, I'll go for a PhD.
      • Glad to see that you think so highly of women. Give yourself a big pat on the back. (Dude, it's not Tuesday.)
        • Give yourself a big pat on the back.

          I will because I had the balls to say (write) it! You can love me or hate me, but the reality is Beyonce, Masha Sharapova and Jessica Alba are all great talents but their beauty and *features* make them SUPER-STARS!

          Go ahead, disprove that... face it men are pigs, women love me because I embrace my inner-pig, it's the pretenders that I'm told turn their stomachs.
          • Who? Emma Thompson (wow-zah) or Annette Bening is the girl for me.
            • Dude... Emma Thompson starred in her first film when she was 30 years old (The Tall Guy, 1989), she was also part of a BBC television series about World War II prior to that. That is most likely when you were introduced to her, right? Wasn't the upper region... very perky and the lower... very firm?

              All jokes aside, I am not trying to degrade women, so please don't take it that way. I'm just having a little fun *grins* the way a young-man should!


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