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Journal mercedo's Journal: Cold 2

Cold, it's cold. I felt cold.

I made a vodka with hot water and drunk it. Still I felt cold. I wore an overall in my shoulder, still cold. I wore a blanket on my legs, still...

I turned on the air condition. I was supposed to do it in the first place.

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  • it's -10 here and very cold , but I have a nice new godfather scarf
    • I felt like reading your comments in any pages. When I thought it, I unintentionally click [ 1 comment ] in my latest journal. I found to be reading your comment without visiting your site.

      Yeah, here's as cold as your place, that is from 15C to 8C, now probably it's around 10C.

If you sell diamonds, you cannot expect to have many customers. But a diamond is a diamond even if there are no customers. -- Swami Prabhupada
