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Journal mercedo's Journal: The Truth About Three Six 3

The three digit number 666 appears in Revelation, and many people know this number means something evil. Recently the number of my comments crossed this number so I thought about the true meaning the number connotes.

The number 666 means 66.666666....often three means just many and endless, so 666 means just the same as 2/3rds.

In our country in order to ammend the Constitution, the national assembly needs to have 2/3rds majority, in other words, 66.666...% , if they've got 2/3rds majority, our peace constitution can be changed, that means it might lead to the path to the war. Of course in order to change the constitution, we need to have over half -majority in referendum, but first natiional assembly has to has 2/3rds of majority, that means 666.

Make sense? 666 leads to the war as anticipated in Revelation. That's what I assume what three digit six means.

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The Truth About Three Six

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  • It was originally 616 ,615 or 115 , which changed sometime in the 5th century i believe . But the early manuscripts had 616 in them .
    So all the demon worshipers and Worried bible bashers who use the number are actually worried about a false number.
    Though it is true that 666 has some great mathematical properties .. i don't believe it is a doomsday predictor
    • Oh, really? Since many transcripts were not correct from original, this is quite likely. I disappointed though, old texts like Bible are subject to being suffered from these misconceptions.

      As to these, there are many Apocrypha other than Authoritative Version, we'd better not too much rely on what we are able to read right now.

      • You can't really trust a 2000+ year old document to be all that accurate . MS has trouble with 6 year old .doc's ;) .
        I mean how many people think Satan is the devil .. In the original bible there is no mention of Satan being the devil , he is god's prosecuting angel , Hell does not exist till and is merely the absence of god ,Purgatory/limbo were invented as a way to appease mothers who lost a child during birth or something like that well after the 4th century .Yet how many people hold these things as pr

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