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Journal mercedo's Journal: The Meaning of Silence 2

Usually I reply to the comments somebody took pains to give me, but sometimes I didn't reply to the comments. There are so many reasons for this but usually it's because there are too many things to say, I am just unable to say anything. When I complete debating thoroughly, I am able to wipe out all the obstacles that I felt in front of me. But if I left unsaid anything about it, usually I was forced to feel something unpleasant that lasts this long.

Remember Mike Hawk? About three months ago, he abruptly stopped submitting JEs & comments anymore. Here's the comments that I was unable to reply. I was unable to know whether he was kidding or serious or just saying something that does not mean much.

It's been 3 months since he started keeping silence. I mind his silence for the similar reasons that I mentioned above.

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The Meaning of Silence

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  • It's very typical of supporters of authoritarianism. They are there to confuse and confound. Real debate is not in their interest. When their true motivations and methods of operation are exposed, they will always fall silent and look elsewhere for somebody to dupe into believing them, or simply stick tight to their little group of drones. They have a big choir to preach to. And they do want to create a world in their image. Besides, he's probably working a different account to avoid this exposure. That or
    • they are indeed very serious

      Yeah, that's right, this person might not appear again though we all have to be aware of another one always.

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory keeps all its data in an old gray trunk.
