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Journal mercedo's Journal: Future of the Language III 2

I. why 'I' have to be written always in capital letter? More and more slashdotters who prefer writting i instaed of I are increasing. Consequently more and more we are getting accustomed to seeing the i instead. There are two reasons I can find.

It is a sign of meism- self centrism or It is so confusing to just write down the word i in a sentence, we might mistake it for i as a small letter of Roman figure (i).

It has become so uncommon to see handwritting these days and it is troublesome to hit the shift key any time when we write an I letter, it might not be long for i to take the place of I.

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Future of the Language III

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  • to write a capital "I" because you don't have to take the extra step of dotting it. I believe, but am not certain that "I" is a proper noun(replacing your given name in the first person), the first letter of which is always capitalized in English. And, yes, the shift key is a pain. But then, I'm just lazy. When I'm chatting on IM, I don't capitalize at all. I don't type very fast and when you're chatting, speed is the name of the game. That should be as clear as Mississippi mud. You managed to get me to dre
    • But also block letter hadwriting we often write three lines -first |, then - for the upper part of |, then _ to write a proper form of 'I' .

      If 'i' keeps on increasing its frequency in writing of many people, 'i' might be replaced in 'I'. I think 'I' was written as 'i' in the first place since etymologically 'i' must have been derived from 'ich' in German or 'ju' in French.

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