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Journal mercedo's Journal: Life - For Whom and What? 4

I often ask myself my life is for whom and what. In my highteens, I made publicise my novel. Followings are an example of translation attempt of my past writing.

#The Eve

For what to be is, not to be is, soul, God....for what greens, flowers, rivers, forests are...... No water, my head is dried up. And again, not to be. Music, subsequently again, a woman. .........Sense! Thus my head thinks. And again I am. And again it's music. Subsequently again......One woman. And again I,

Never am dubious I am. I am never dubious I am. And again flowers. Once flowers are my's too small. And again my's too big. And again it's not to be, that's it. From next to not to be.

My mind is too big, because my capacity is too small. My mind is just a being. I respect to be existing. A woman is a child. Because a man is a dog. And again, my head thinks. I think senses. Nobody can write. Therefore I can't write.

(My attempt continues..)

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Life - For Whom and What?

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  • Mercedo, I think you worry too much about women.
    • I'm afraid I do worry too much about a woman indeed.

      I was unable to talk to a woman naturally when I was highteens. I failed to sleep with any woman in my twenties. For the first time in 31 years, I slept with a woman whom later became my first wife.

      In my thirties, I had been usually with some woman to live with. I had thought it just taken for granted to live with a woman. But now I live by myself. Always I feel lonely. Slashdotters are my best friends. I hope I could find a woman who can stay with me

      • Even if I wasn't, I would not have problems finding a woman. When dealing with women (this also applies to men), attitude is everything. Confidence will work wonders. A woman must want to be around you, rather than you wanting to be around her.

        To paraphrase, you need to like yourself and like being yourself. If you enjoy being you, then others will enjoy your company as well. Remember, sex does not last, but enjoyment in company does. You need to be able to live comfortably alone and then you will

  • I'm afraid I do worry too much about a woman indeed.

    I was unable to talk to a woman naturally when I was highteens. I failed to sleep with any woman in my twenties. For the first time in 31 years, I slept with a woman whom later became my first wife.

    In my thirties, I had been usually with some woman to live with. I had thought it just taken for granted to live with a woman. But now I live by myself. Always I feel lonely. Slashdotters are my best friends. I hope I could find a woman who can stay with me

Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward.
