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Journal mercedo's Journal: Are Bloggers A Scholar? 3

It'd been six months since I last time visited the Voo Doo Lounge, where lots of language teachers get together. I asked some of them you know blog? Many didn't know. It seemed to me that they prefer social activities like get-together in a bar rather than 'blogging', it was a fresh surprise for me to find blogging is not as popular as merry-making in a bar with a beer and a girl.

When I talked to a guy about blogging, immediately he replied, 'yeah yeah I am addicted', addicted like smoking? I don't like that idea. ..

He was a graduate student pursuing Ph.D in math. Are many bloggers a scholar like him? As far as I saw it from the last night people, I concluded so. Objection anybody?

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Are Bloggers A Scholar?

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  • I plan on returning to school for a MS in Computer Science. I already have a BBA in Management and a BS in Computer Science.

    I'd say anyone who blogs is likely more intelligent than the general population. Since it takes some intelligence to succeed in school, then I guess it could also follow that bloggers tend to be scholars. But, we really are generalizing here in either case.
    • Six months ago I started using a computer for reference purposes, then sruck to this site. Till that time I had been writting a bunch of scribles in notebooks, and I was just wondering whether to have chances to show my writings. This site is very good for me to exchange our views and know what others are thinking in their journals and comments. There are other users - computer people, game people, and not only those users including us, sitting in front of screen for hours requires some sort of perseverence
  • Six months ago I started using a computer for reference purposes, then struck on this site. Till that time I had been writting a bunch of scribles in notebooks, and I was just wondering whether to have chances to show my writings. This site is very good for me to exchange our views and know what others are thinking in their journals and comments. There are other users - computer people, game people, and not only those users including us, sitting in front of screen for hours requires some sort of perseveranc

Murphy's Law, that brash proletarian restatement of Godel's Theorem. -- Thomas Pynchon, "Gravity's Rainbow"
