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Comment Re:This just makes sense (Score 1) 1345

"There is no post hoc explanation that makes Abraham a good person for almost killing his son by the demand of his powerful benefactor."

I understand this to say there is no explanation that makes a person good for killing another person because someone demanded it. By this reasoning, there is no post hoc explanation that makes God a good person for killing his Son by the demand of Himself. The two stories (Abraham sacrificing Isaac and God sacrificing Christ) are very closely tied together.

If you read the Book of Mormon and Pearl of Great Price, then you should also know there is a Joseph Smith Translation to the Bible. There is one the specifically covers Lot's proposition: You are right that no righteous father would ever give his daughters over to a crowd to be raped.

Role Playing (Games)

ArenaNet's MMO Design Manifesto 178

An anonymous reader writes "ArenaNet studio head Mike O'Brien has posted his vision for a new type of MMORPG, which they used in developing Guild Wars 2. Quoting: 'MMOs are social games. So why do they sometimes seem to work so hard to punish you for playing with other players? If I'm out hunting and another player walks by, shouldn't I welcome his help, rather than worrying that he's going to steal my kills or consume all the mobs I wanted to kill? ... [In Guild Wars 2], when someone kills a monster, not just that player's party but everyone who was seriously involved in the fight gets 100% of the XP and loot for the kill. When an event is happening in the world – when the bandits are terrorizing a village – everyone in the area has the same motivation, and when the event ends, everyone gets rewarded.'"

Game Devs Only Use PhysX For the Money, Says AMD 225

arcticstoat writes "AMD has just aimed a shot at Nvidia's PhysX technology, saying that most game developers only implement GPU-accelerated PhysX for the money. AMD's Richard Huddy explained that 'Nvidia creates a marketing deal with a title, and then as part of that marketing deal, they have the right to go in and implement PhysX in the game.' However, he adds that 'the problem with that is obviously that the game developer doesn't actually want it. They're not doing it because they want it; they're doing it because they're paid to do it. So we have a rather artificial situation at the moment where you see PhysX in games, but it isn't because the game developer wants it in there.' AMD is pushing open standards such as OpenCL and DirectCompute as alternatives to PhysX, as these APIs can run on both AMD and Nvidia GPUs. AMD also announced today that it will be giving away free versions of Pixelux's DMM2 physics engine, which now includes Bullet Physics, to some game developers."

Comment Re:TiVo for the win? (Score 1) 536

Sorry I wasn't clear on this one. It's what happens when you rush to respond. I should have said that I didn't buy the Lifetime subscription because of the large up-front cost and I believe I could only get it with the TiVo Series 3 (I may be wrong on this) which wouldn't work with satellite.

I should have said, I don't mind paying $100/year for someone to maintain my DVR, vice me having to maintain my MythTV server, which I spent many hours doing with much frustration.

Comment Re:TiVo for the win? (Score 1) 536

I have a Tivo series 2 working fine with my DirectTV provider. While it's not as good as cable (can only record one show at a time), it's good enough for my needs.

DirectTV is supposed to be working on something with Tivo to provide a DVR service. See this link for more info:

Comment Re:TiVo for the win? (Score 3, Insightful) 536

I'm in the Tivo boat on this one. It's just easier. I spent so much time setting up MythTv (I've done it on PCs, laptops, and even an xbox) and maintaining it was always a pain. I finally got fed up enough and bought a Tivo. Since then, I haven't had any complaints, except as he said, resetting listings when you switch providers. I've really enjoyed the Tivo suggestions feature as well. I was tempted to get the lifetime contract, but instead I'm willing to pay ~$100/year for someone to maintain my DVR for me.

Comment Re:Price of certainty. (Score 2, Informative) 541

Electric companies shouldn't be directly linked to Gulf politics. Most of the electricity in the U.S. is produced by coal, natural gas, nuclear, and hydroelectric energy sources according to the Department of Energy. Petroleum makes up only 1.3% of U.S. electricity production.

Your point is a good one though, that energy prices will most likely go up per kWh.


The Ultimate "Doll House" For WoW Players 44

BoyIHateMicrosoft! writes "A friend of mine sent me this link today about a group of MIT students who have created something called a WoWPod. It's like a playhouse for WoW players. It has everything from Refreshing Spring Water, to food (Like Crunchy Spider Surprise of course!) to a toilet and of course the appropriate gaming gear."

Comment Re:Go the way of the ATM fees? (Score 1) 592

I meant more for the "cash back" fee from the supermarket. Not all banks have given up on all ATM fees, but there are ways around it or I can usually find a bank that is in my bank's network.

According to Wikipedia: (

"While many consumers are faced with multiple fees as described above, a number of standalone and internet banks, such as USAA and E-Trade Bank, and Ebank among others, not only do not charge their customers for using another ATM but they also provide reimbursement, worldwide, of another ATM's fee. Thus, customers at some banks in the US can avoid ATM fees altogether. Another popular way to avoid paying ATM fees is to make a "cash back" purchase at a retail store: many retailers will allow a customer who is paying with a debit card to withdraw more than the total due the retailer and get back the difference in cash."

Book Reviews

Project Arcade 158

Craig Maloney writes "Growing up, I found myself more than once in an arcade, be it in the mall, Meijer, or a free-standing building. The atmosphere was unmistakable: loud, with lots of activity, and people getting fully immersed and "in the zone" between them and their pixellated avatar. While playing an arcade game at home has been possible for many years now, the true arcade experience has been a little more elusive. There's something about having an upright video game cabinet, and playing on arcade hardware that gives the game that extra sense of being right in the arcades of my youth. There are many sites out there that have different plans for building a MAME arcade cabinet from scratch, but most read like a post-mortem for how the author pieced together their particular setup. What if you just want to convert an old (non-working, I hope) cabinet into a MAME arcade cabinet? Lots of information is out there, but where do you start? Project Arcade is an excellent introduction for building your own MAME arcade cabinet from scratch, and compiles lots of material into one comprehensive book." Read below for the rest of Craig's review.

Submission + - Intel Researchers Demonstrate 40Gbps Optical Chips (

scott3778 writes: "Intel Researchers announced they have successfully demonstrated a 40Gbps optical chip on Wednesday [ demonstrate.php], an accomplishment the company says will yield cheaper photonic integrated circuits (PICs)."

James Gosling Appointed to the Order of Canada 191

Andrija Ifkovic writes "James Gosling, the creator of Java language and a VP of Sun has been appointed to the Order of Canada. 'The Order of Canada recognizes outstanding lifetime achievement and contributions to society and the country by Canadians from all walks of life.' This is the highest honor Canada can bestow upon its citizens."
Wireless Networking

Submission + - Skype asks FCC to open cellular networks

Milwaukee's_Best writes: Skype has just asked the FCC to force wireless phone companies to open their networks to all comers. "Skype essentially wants to turn the wireless phone companies into just another network of the kind currently operated on the ground. This would require carriers to allow any phone to be used on their networks, and for any application. Users would simply purchase a voice or data plan (though these could easily converge into a data plan if VoIP calling is used) and then use the device of their choice to access the network of their choice." Think of it as network neutrality—for cell networks. Given the competition that exists within the industry, is this needed?

NASA's New Mission to the Moon 283

mattnyc99 writes "Popular Mechanics has a new, in-depth preview of NASA's Orion spacecraft, tracking the complex challenges facing the engineers of the CEV (which NASA chief Michael Griffin called 'Apollo on steroids') as America shifts its focus away from the Space Shuttle and back toward returning to the moon by 2020. After yesterday's long op-ed in the New York Times concerning NASA's about-face, Popular Mechanic's interview with Buzz Aldrin and podcast with's Rand Simberg raise perhaps the most pressing questions here: Is it worth going back to the lunar surface? And will we actually stay there?"

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