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Comment Re:Misinformation (Score 2) 173

The news is broken.

How about the news is imperfect like most things where humans are invovled. I follow a number of international and local main stream news outlets and as long as I use my critical thinking muscles, I feel like I get an acceptable version of what is happening in the world. In regard to your WaPo example, yes people reporting breaking news sometimes get it wrong (and sometimes very wrong) in the rush to get out the news. However, the errors are typically corrected promptly and the people who made the mistakes have black marks on their record. If these remedial actions are not taken, it's not a reliable news source.

Comment Re:Interesting... didn't want his business... (Score 1) 106

In most cases, I would agree that blackballing a problem customer is fair game. In the case of an oligopoly however where they are shutting out independent repair shops, I think that they should have a duty to repair what they sell in a fashion convenient to the consumer.

Comment Re:Not good.. (Score 1) 103

I see your point but this is an exceptional moment in history and drastic measures are required to make sure that it doesn't spiral out of control. Hell, we just narrowly avoided another Chernobyl * 4 yesterday. I believe the measures taken are proportional to the potential clusterf*ck before us.

Comment Re:In the Canadian case (Score 1) 263

By this logic, sit-ins etc are also violence. Its right to allow BLM protestors to be run down on the highway etc.

I just wanted to point out that the provincial police and RCMP went to great lengths to not instigate violence when dealing with the protestors.

This position basically amounts to - its "an attack on democracy" when I disagree, its "civil disobedience" when I do agree.

I hear what you're saying but I think you're oversimplifying what is going on here. There's a much more nuanced discussion to be had but this probably isn't the place.

Comment Re:In the Canadian case (Score 1) 263

Thank you! I've struggled to put to words what happened in Ottowa and laying siege is a great way of expressing it. The people may have been non violent but they basically shut down large parts of the city. I would also add that the protests were partly economic vandalism and psychological warfare. The fact that the protestors brought in nearly unmovable vehicles and equipment along with children made it almost impossible for the provincial authorities to deal with without violence. I'm honestly torn between being grateful that I live in a country that gave this fringe group so much freedom to protest and being upset that something wasn't done earlier.

Comment Re:Not wanting to test (Score 1) 170

But that ought to be a differentiating advantage for a "genuine" google phone that comes from the makers of Android - 'we provide Apple-like OS and hardware integration and support!' (I'm not saying they do, or claim to - but they could and should.) Yes to this. I went from an Essential phone (loved it) to an iphone XR 3 years ago. I would have loved to stay on the Android ecosystem but for their lack of commitment to long term updates. When you take into account the initial price of an iphone and the length of update support, the iphone was just a much better deal. It just seems so short sighted for Google not to offer longer update support.

Comment Re:fuck you eric adams (Score 2) 173

If workers for a business can work from home effectively and can reduce the monetary and time costs of transport, clothing, cleaning and eating out, why not? Not everyone will be able to do this so there will be still be demand for downtown restaurants and dry cleaners etc. Covid has shown us that not all jobs need to be done in an expensive office.

Comment Re:not a coincidence (Score 4, Insightful) 310

Not so much. I think the vast majority of Canadians are wondering why it took so long for the government to do something about protestors holding a gun to our economy and making life hellish for the citizens of Ottowa. Having said that, not a big Trudeau fan but like the Progressive Conservative party less. Like the US, things are getting more polarized up here and nuanced conversation has been ditched for scoring points on the news/social media.

Comment We're all in this together but ... (Score 1) 339

It's my understanding that Mohdi? decided to remove most restrictions because their third wave wasn't as bad as it was elsewhere and vaccinations had started. They basically shot themselves in the foot especially considering how densely populated their country is. Now it is everyone's problem much like Brazil as they will likely start exporting variants to the rest of us. Having said this, it's easy to judge from over here in wealthier countries that have more money (or can borrow it) to alleviate the damage of covid lockdowns/restrictions.

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