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Comment Re:Good luck with that (Score 1) 311

How often do you need to charge and listen to music at the same time? Scenarios: 1. charging at home: You'll probably play music through your main computer 2. charging in car: You'll probably play music through Bluetooth 3. charging on the go: Desperate for battery, will be conserving battery for calls, won't listen to music.

Old Apple 1 Up For Auction, Expected To Go For $160,000+ 156

vanstinator was one of several readers to point out that Christie's is holding an auction for one of the original Apple 1 machines, complete with a manual, the original shipping box, and the letter from Steve Jobs to the owner. The invoice says the computer was purchased on December 7th, 1976, with an Apple cassette interface card, for a total price of $741.66. The auction house expects it to sell for over $160,000.

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