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Journal gizmateer's Journal: GPL: Mvix MX-760HD Wireless Media Center Source released

Similar to GP2X's release of firmware source code last year, MvixUSA and Unicorn Network Total Solution have released the Mvix MX-760HD HD Wireless Media Center firmware source code for free distribution under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Lately, MvixUSA and Unicorn have taken some heat from users wanting access to the source code citing GPL violations. An email was even sent to the GPL Violations project.

Gizmos for Geeks talked last week with MvixUSA about the GPL issues and MvixUSA alluded to the fact that a solution was coming as early as this week. They had been working with their lawyers to determine their responsibilities as distributors of the product without even having access to the source code which was created by Unicorn (a Korean company)... it turns out they were violating the terms of GPL but had no way to rectify the situation until Unicorn sent the 54.5MB source code.

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GPL: Mvix MX-760HD Wireless Media Center Source released

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