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Comment from the field: linux is a good option (Score 1) 803

If you are on the field and you must install windows for non-professional customers - you know that starting windows can be a pain. The reason is not so much windows itself - but how windows comes with a pc these days. First of all: you can choose your linux language at any time. You cant do that with windows. This means: many phone calls until you get the right language. 2nd Preinstalled windows always womes with crap soft preinstalled. 3th. You buy a pc but there is no useful software installed - compare that with Suse 10.0 or Ubuntu. 4th. Your pc is like a magnet for viruses whenevr you go to the internet The only domains where Linux loses are a.: difficult to install new software b. not so many working sofware packages available c. bad support of ext files & multimedia in general: dvd / playing wmf files etc. With OpenSuse and Ubuntu I think we now have a good availability of userfriendly linuxes. If we can fix the multimedia & install problems - Linux may get a lot of new users! If you look at the desktop I think that linux is even easier than windows xp.

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