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Comment Not underwhelms, a little off predicted target... (Score 4, Informative) 397

NYC might have only received a few inches, but Nassau County got 12 - 18 inches and Suffolk County got over 20 inches (and still snowing)... And Connectiut and the rest of New England got even more. The forecast for Suffolk County was consistently in the 20 to 30 inch range, so they got that right. Having hundreds or thousands of people stuck in a blizzard on the Long Island Expressway would have been a disaster.

Comment Re:Verizon just keeps getting better..... (Score 0) 70

Why does my Karma get adversely affected if someone thinks my comment was moderated as overrated after 2 people moderated it as funny? I had several funny moderations on different comments, and then I get 1 overrated moderation and my Karma goes bad.

Or, is the slashdot moderation basing my Karma on ALL of my life-based decisions? @^@

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