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Journal bhtooefr's Journal: Playing with Ubuntu 4.1

I'd heard of Ubuntu, so I'm going to play around with it some...

Now, since my laptop runs Windows (and needs to), and I don't want to shrink the partition, and my other box, well, sucks ass, I'm using Virtual PC for this review, giving Ubuntu 96MB RAM (any more, and it won't work).

From what I've seen so far (the packages are installing now), it's a VERY simple text-mode installer. The masses will still want GUI, but it's pretty nice as it is. Just word a couple of questions a little better, and the masses can understand it.

Another JE once Ubuntu's installed, and I've had time to play with it.

Update: Ubuntu installed fine, except for one tiny problem. It appears that it tried to push the emulated GPU into 24-bit mode... which isn't supported. I had to fix that...

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Playing with Ubuntu 4.1

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