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Comment The history and Fraud behind UnifiedRoot (Score 1) 370

The UnifiedRoot is an attempt to revive the Public-Root i.e. see and I am the founder of the Public-Root and by default the business principles subscribed too by the UnifedRoot. I declare the people behind the UnifiedRoot as fraudulent and associated with criminals. A good history of the UnifiedRoot and it's association with the Public-Root is unfortunately only available in Turkish. urkey was a country which subscribed to the Public-Root system, until my investigation closed the show down. The UnifiedRoot is an attempt by the commercial end to go it alone - good details on this unfortunately are only available in Turkish. There has not been an english language publication which has exposed this. But for those of you who read Turkish the story can be found at: Search for UNIDT, Public-Root, P-R, and UnifiedRoot for more details. Documents supporting my claims the companies and people behind this have committed fraud can be found at: The Public-Root/UnifiedRoot was a great idea until a few people destryed it due to the usual human frailties - greed being the primary one. Also the UnifiedRoot claims to be open, transparent, representative and bottom up. Those are just marketing words without much substance. Joe Baptista

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