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Comment Re:Not the whole story... (Score 1) 97

You're also not telling the whole story. To start with, he wasn't pocketing anything due to use of pirated software. The software was provided by the firm which was selected at government's bid alongside with computers. The school received computers with software preinstalled. In Russian schools all the accounting is done by centralized office, which oversees all schools in a district. And all those schools do not keep financial documents for whatever they receive from the government (including hardware/software), they even don't see them -- everything is done from that centralized office and computers are in fact owned by that office, not the school. In the case of Ponosov, actual infringers should be those in both supplier and centralized office -- who installed the software and who owned delivered computers. Ponosov by no means is innocent and saint, and his lawyers are doing right right thing by asking him to refrain from "apologize" way. The case is brought by government against wrong person and is full of mistakes in investigation process (see Pavel Protasov's analysis at there is no need to apologize on things that are incorrectly targeted against you.

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