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Journal The Gaytriot's Journal: we're taking him to his spaceship 2

Since signing up for an online dating site, I've found a couple of girls that I recognized from school on there. The thing that really surprised me was that they are both around my age, and neither of them have kids! That's pretty rare for the school that I go to, at night it seems like all of the women, even ones younger than me, have kids.

There's some pretty good looking girls, I figure they were the really hot girls in high school that were dumb and got pregnant before dropping out. So now they are working full time and going to school at night. It really killed my expectations of possibly meeting a girl at school after the first couple times of talking to them. While talking with a couple of girls who were pretty young, a few minutes into conversation and they inevitably say something about "my son," and I immediately think, "DAMN IT!"

It seems like anymore, it strikes me odd when I go to visit my friend at college in Greeley and come to find that the girls I see up there aren't working full time to feed some baby mouths.

But anyways, it was a strange coincidence when a girl got matched with me by the dating site's matching bot. It showed her picture and I immediately recognized her, and that night I stopped by Wendy's to get some dinner before class. Well guess who took my order?

The other girl I got matched with more recently is someone who I've seen around and never had a class with, and probably never will because her major is very different than mine.

But on to another topic: biking. Ny friend Marco and I have been hanging out a lot on the weekends, a few weeks back I was trying to get him to go mountain biking with me but his bike was broken. Then again, mine was broken too, but it's also broken pretty much after every ride. I fix it for an hour and then ride it for about 3 hours, rinse and repeat. Still, yesterday we went to a bike shop and picked up parts and tools so we could fix our bikes. We got his up and running and it's working great, and mine is now a single speed but at least ridable. I hope I find a nice used bike for a good price pretty soon, this bike has died and barely been revived three times now. But at least I'll have a beater to ride around town when I do get a nice bike.

It was probably 8 at night by the time we'd finished working up the bikes, and then I asked him, "ready to go for a test ride?" So we got on the street in his neighborhood and rode around until he got the hang of riding again. I couldn't help but feel like a kid again, of course the fact that we're 21 and 22, yet still living with our respective parents helps in that regard, too.

We biked around the streets, down some paths, and then to the high school we went to. Honestly, it was a lot of fun just going out and messing around. It's definitely a nice change of pace from the constant work/school cycle. It was around 10:45 when we got back.
Then tomorrow I'm back to work, so I can't be like a grade school kid anymore, I have to be like a preschooler :(

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we're taking him to his spaceship

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  • Must be first gear that works, how do you get around town on it?

    • It's sitting on the middle gears on the front and rear, I just shortened the chain to fit snugly around those and took off the derailers and chain tensioner.

      It works well enough, though I won't even lock it up at the store because anyone stupid enough to steal it deserves to get stranded with a broken bike (it's almost 15 years old and in terrible shape).

In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
