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Comment Re:It's an app company... (Score 1) 140

I thought that Uber was in the business of losing money.

The unicorn strategy is get bought out by a larger company or lose money until investors figure out it's a scam. Uber might be too big to buy out.

Since we see so many articles about how their drivers so underpaid that they're also losing money, I say that puts them in the same business as Uber.

Or they're a different class of unicorn investors with all their eggs in Uber and/or Lyft.

Comment Where are the Star Blazers references? (Score 1) 49

This is The Comet Empire.

In the year 2201, a new danger threatens the Earth! From out of the depths of space comes the deadly Comet Empire, a massive machine of destruction and conquest. Responding to a mysterious message of warning, the crew of Yamato blasts off to investigate the threat and they are quickly drawn into a conflict even greater than the war with Gamilas. To make matters worse, the defeated Gamilas leader Dessler prowls the galaxy on a quest for vengeance.

Comment Re:Return the popcorn (Score 1) 96

The original meeting location was at the Alien Visitor Center, an alien-themed whorehouse, that is 100+ miles away from Area 51. The whorehouse was what tipped everyone off that the Facebook page was a parody. Otherwise, the Alien Research Center in Hiko, NV, which is hosting it's own event, is closer to Area 51.

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