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Journal Spy der Mann's Journal: Unofficial Linux song: "Do not fear the penguins, v2.0.2" 1

# Do not fear the penguins, v2.0.2
# Author:
# Spy der Mann
# License:
# Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
# If you use this in your works, just credit me with an "original song by Spy der Mann", or something similar.
# Recommendations:
# If you want to put music please give it a tune similar to "Tin can hitman" from Robotronica.
# Just a suggestion.
# Acknowledgements:
# Thanks to Rick (he knows who he is) for helping me out with the lyrics.
        This is the story of an angry Joe user,
        got tired of his vermin-infested computer.
        The crap we call Windows is what he had used,
        but all of its bugs just left him confused.

        Thought was cream of the crop, that's what he had been told,
        but the truth is, buggy software is what he really was sold,
        cheap salesmen from Redmond, the brand gained his trust,
        he would learn the hard truth, but not without disgust!

        He had many problems, things both you and I know,
        the PC kept freezing, video discs played too slow;
        incompatible hardware, see, the network was dead,
        couldn't get it to work, bought a new card instead!

        chorus() {
                Stop getting angry man, stop getting mad,
                It's not in your style throwing chairs at the wall.
                Do not fear the penguins cuz' you too can smile
                GNU/Linux fears no virus that could screw up your files.

                GNU/Linux is open, and it's completely free,
                every bit of it's legal, there's no royalty fee.
                But don't just believe me, you must try it and see,
                join the penguin revolution under Freedom's decree!

        When Joe got to the tubes, his PC felt much slower
        it had caught nasty spyware but he yet doesn't know it,
        but that wasn't the worst, oh no, sir, I'm afraid,
        because much bigger problems were awaiting ahead!

        One day the virus perpetrated an assault:
        His ID got stolen, Ballmer said "not my fault,
        it's the hackers and pirates that are making a brawl",
        better get an antivirus, and slow down to a crawl!


        Joe then decided that he should get an upgrade,
        bought himself a faster PC that could better be played,
        but he had to reinstall: his OS wouldn't start,
        then the registry got broken and he had to format;

        Antipiracy measures got stricter with time
        "I have genuine advantage", he thought he'd be fine,
        the activation had failed him and all had been in vain,
        didn't know that computers could be such a big pain!


        Well that does it, Bill Gates, Joe said in his disdain,
        I'm sick tired of your traits, it's all loss and no gain,
        I still cannot believe I paid for all this bull,
        between software and service, you're no better than NULL!

        Now I'm switching to Linux and I'm not going back,
        One more minute with you will give me a heart attack.
        So good bye Bill and Steve, there's no more soup for you,
        you should get a class action for what you made me go through!


        The first step was the hardest, now, where do we start?
        Which distro to choose, sounds like an arcane art.
        Joe had tried Ubuntu, didn't like how it tasted,
        but a friend recommended PCLinuxOS.

        It was friendly, it was fast, unlike what he believed,
        "there's a world outside Windows and the hell that I lived!"
        it's scary at first, but it's worthy, trust me,
        when you do make the switch you'll begin to be free!


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Unofficial Linux song: "Do not fear the penguins, v2.0.2"

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