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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
I was suspicious  *Saturday March 26, 2022 @07:23AM  2
   attached to Kaspersky Named First Russian Company on Security Risk List
Re:"Keep The World Running"  *Monday April 13, 2020 @02:13PM  4, Funny
   attached to Thousands of Techies in Locked-Down India Are Braving Coronavirus Daily To Keep the World Running
The Puppet Masters  *Monday August 26, 2019 @10:18PM  2
   attached to Slashdot Asks: What's Your Favorite Underappreciated Movie?
Name of clinic plastered all over the internet  *Friday April 10, 2015 @02:46PM 1 2
   attached to Japanese Court Orders Google To Remove Negative Reviews From Google Maps
Re:Topre Realforce or HHKB2  *Tuesday March 17, 2015 @08:45AM  2
   attached to Ask Slashdot: Good Keyboard?
Re:Awesome  *Sunday January 05, 2014 @08:30PM 1 2
   attached to CES: Laser Headlights Edge Closer To Real-World Highways
Instead of the Communist Manifesto  *Wednesday January 01, 2014 @08:16PM  2
   attached to Ask Slashdot: What Are the Books Everyone Should Read?
Re:Legality vs Enforceability  *Saturday December 21, 2013 @12:53PM 5 2
   attached to DoD Public Domain Archive To Be Privatized, Locked Up For 10 Years
Are you testing poisonous plants?  *Monday December 02, 2013 @11:05PM 2 2
   attached to Crowdsourcing the Discovery of New Antibiotics
Re:why are the options close together?  *Friday November 02, 2012 @10:46PM 1 2
   attached to Why Does a Voting Machine Need Calibration?
Re:News for Nerds???!!  *Saturday August 11, 2012 @11:32AM  2
   attached to Romney Taps Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan As Running Mate
Re:There are three that I haven't seen mentioned y  *Tuesday August 07, 2012 @10:44PM  2
There are three that I haven't seen mentioned yet:  *Tuesday August 07, 2012 @10:40PM 1 3
   attached to Ask Slashdot: What's the Most Depressing Sci-fi You've Ever Read?
Re:One small caveat  *Friday July 06, 2012 @02:00PM 1 4, Funny
   attached to Nukes Are "The Only Peacekeeping Weapons the World Has Ever Known," Says Waltz
Re:Fir incredibly cheap deals try  *Tuesday June 26, 2012 @11:27AM 1 2
   attached to On Orbitz, Mac Users Offered Pricier Hotels First
A better calendar reform  *Wednesday December 28, 2011 @12:46PM  2
   attached to Christmas Always On Sunday? Researchers Propose New Calendar
Re:And this is how  *Thursday December 08, 2011 @12:33AM  3
   attached to The Unique Candidates of the New Hampshire Primary
Re:Some turtle attack advice  *Wednesday September 14, 2011 @02:25PM  2
   attached to Medical Billing Codes For Injury Via Turtle Among Thousands Created by New Law
Re:Let's just do away with sales tax  *Friday July 15, 2011 @01:13AM  2
Re:Let's just do away with sales tax  *Wednesday July 13, 2011 @12:50PM 1 4, Interesting
   attached to Slate: Amazon's Tax Stance Unfair and Unethical
Re:What will they replace it with?  *Sunday May 22, 2011 @04:01PM  2
   attached to Swiss To End Use of Nuclear Power
Re:WTF?  *Monday March 28, 2011 @02:32PM  2
   attached to Can You Really Be Traced From an IP Address?
Re:Postal vostes bad, online even worse  *Monday February 21, 2011 @06:58PM  2
   attached to WA Election To Try Online Voting
Re:I disapprove of Approval Voting  *Sunday January 30, 2011 @05:42PM  2
   attached to New Hampshire Bill Could Lead To Adoption of Approval Voting

"I'm not a god, I was misquoted." -- Lister, Red Dwarf
