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Comment Ads need to go the way of the Dodo (Score 2) 531

Banner Ads, Pop-up ads, Tile Ads, whatever you want to call them, all need to go away. Ads are where a majority of the code that inflict malware on unsuspecting users comes from. Web marketing firms receive thousands, if not millions of new ads all the time. Do you really think they have someone or even a group of people that sit and look thru the underlying code of every single ad they receive? From the day that ads started showing up on sites I have refused to click on them or found tools to block them: ADP, Ghostery, Blur, etc. I even refuse to click the text ads that show up in google searches. Advertising is not a beneficial method to gain my interest in a product. At least not on the internet.

Comment Target Ads = Invasion of Privacy = Scam (Score 1) 274

Don't walk, Run away as fast as you can, otherwise you will fall victim to some scam. Oh and guess what they now have you on video and will pass it to every other marketing organization in existence and you will be the permanent target of every scammer there is. This will be the new malware.

Comment Do You Like Online Privacy? You May Be a Terrorist (Score 2) 720

So pretty much, every government agency, every corporation, why limit that, every business can be considered as terrorists, based on the information in this flyer. That being said, the whole thing invalidates itself because there is no safe organization to report any of the suspicious activity to because no one is above reproach.

"Super Monkey" Security Force Used At Commonwealth Games 66

The New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has increased the strength of its monkey security team for the Commonwelath Games. The large langur monkeys are used to scare away smaller, more troublesome primate species from sporting arenas and food stalls. "From tomorrow onwards we will increase the number of langurs from 28 to 38. The additional langurs will take care of the Games venues and other important areas," an NDMC official told the Press Trust of India news agency. Sounds like a good idea until the monkeys learn how to throw barrels.

New Wii Menu Update Targets Homebrew Again 258

Nintendo has tried to block homebrew during firmware updates in the past, often unsuccessfully. Now, as it rolls out version 4.3 of the Wii System Menu, stopping homebrew modifications once again seems to be its primary goal. From Nintendo's support site: "Because unauthorized channels or firmware may impair game play or the Wii console, updating to Wii Menu version 4.3 will check for and automatically remove such unauthorized files." Since it's hard to bill that as an upgrade, they vaguely add, "In addition, there are some behind the scenes enhancements that do not affect any prominently-used features or menus but will improve system performance."

Comment Try reverse psychology on the advertisers (Score 1) 241

I have made it a point in my life to let advertisers know if I see their unwanted ad when surfing, I refuse to click the ad and will most likely not deal with the company the advertisement is for in the future. I use ABP also. If the masses as a whole would just stop clicking the ads, and make it a point to block as much as possible, maybe the marketing scum that thinks this stuff up will finally get a clue. -- "Couldn't get a clue during 'Clue Mating Season' in a field of horny clues."

Why Are Video Game Movies So Awful? 385

An article at CNN discusses why big screen interpretations of video games, even successful ones, often fail to succeed at the box office. Quoting: "The problem with successfully adapting video games into hit Hollywood spin-offs may lie in the way in which stories for both mediums are designed and implemented. Game makers chasing the dream of playing George Lucas or Steven Spielberg will always strive to coax human emotion and convincing drama from increasingly photorealistic virtual elements. The Hollywood machine, in its endless chase for big bucks, can't help but exploit the latest hit interactive outing, often failing to realize it's often a specific gameplay mechanic, psychological meme or technical feature that makes the title so compelling. Both sides may very well continue to look down in disdain on the work that the opposite is doing, which can doom any collaborative efforts. But where the two roads truly diverge is in the way stories are fundamentally told. Films offer a single, linear tale that's open to individual interpretation, whereas games are meant to be experienced differently and in a multitude of ways by every player." On a related note, reader OrangeMonkey11 points out that an 8-minute short has showed up online that appears part of a pitch for a potential Mortal Kombat reboot movie. Hit the link below to take a look.

Comment Guess I'll be finding a new search engine. (Score 1) 219

I absolutely hate all online marketing and use Ad Block to remove as much as is possible. I will never knowingly click on a displayed advertisement on the web. If I want to purchase something I will go to the site I want to use to make my purchase. I am a marketing executives worst nightmare because I will actively refuse to purchase from anything with obtrusive online ads. Don't even get me started on ads in computer games.

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