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Journal Otter's Journal: I have a Erdos number?!? 3

According to this comment, some anonymous ScienceBlogs blogger has a maximum Erdos number of six. Given his boasting of a one for his newly-invented Ricard Gibbs number, that gives me a maximum Erdos number of eight.

Now that I think about it, I probably have a shorter path than that ... and a minute of research finds that my Erdos number is actually three, with a combined Bacon-Erdos sum of -- whoah, six!!! That's actually worth working into conversation! (I'd forgotten that both numbers decrease over time, and two recent movies have given me two different Bacon threes.) I'm going to crosspost this there...

Incidentally, since when does anyone at ScienceBlogs discuss anything even this peripherally related to research? I thought it was all ranting against religion.

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I have a Erdos number?!?

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