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Journal Mr.Intel's Journal: The Media

Submitted to Slashdot on 5/22/03 at 12:10:57 EST.

The NY Times has an update to the previous stories on Slashdot. The F.C.C. is poised to decrease regulation on media ownership rules. This would have the effect of further decreasing competition in media outlets. Conspiracy theorist quote: "The F.C.C. proposal remains officially secret to avoid public comment but was forced into the open by the two commission Democrats." Other news stories are also revealing the concerted effort by Washington to make this happen.

Does anyone else have information on the reasoning behind this? With the commission closing the session to public input, it seems that they want to pass this without a chance for the voters to know about it. And it is precisely this kind of thing that turns Republics into Totalitarian regimes...


Apparently the FCC is also now accepting free trips from broadcasters according to IMdB. Also, Spots 'n Dots is telling us that newspapers are already looking to buy TV stations when the decision is made.

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The Media

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