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Journal Liselle's Journal: First Journal Entry 5

I've avoided my journal up until now (I don't have much to say, and the Internet doesn't need another weblog), but I have something that's too hilarious to keep to myself. In keeping with the Slashdot tradition of grousing about moderation, I give you a comment I posted earlier today:

Exhibit A

This happened to be a first post. It was moderated "Redundant" within seconds. This slashdotter kids you not. Because "1, Redundant" clearly won't do, next up was an Overrated mod, to bring the score to "-1, Redundant". At some point, someone bumped it back up to zero, where it now rests in peace. While the comment was certainly not MENSA material, it was pretty inncuous. I even got a good link out of the deal.

I wonder if maybe someone didn't like my signature:

Auto-reply to ACs: "Truly, you have a dizzying intellect."

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First Journal Entry

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  • Did you piss off some trolls recently by any chance?
    • I usually try to piss them off as AC. But even so, they'd have to be pretty quick on the draw. If I were a troll, and I hated me, I'd just mod-bomb all of my old posts. It's probably just those "crackhead" moderators everyone is always complaining about. Stupidity before malice, as the saying goes.

      I just thought the idea of a first post being Redundant was hilarious enough to share. ;)
  • Moderation on /. is pretty random anyway. It mostly manages to get rid of the crapflooders and the frist psots, and I suppose that's good enough.
  • I notice a number of your comments are high quality first (or near first) posts.

    Some people treat this place as a mindless video game and you're spoiling their fun. They'll see you as an outsider because your comments are good. Your comments get a lot of replies and push the video-players' junk down. So how do they compete with someone else who's able to think on their feet and execute faster? By cheating after the fact when they have the chance.

    You're going to get more attention, both good and bad. For t
  • 40% Redundant 30% Overrated 30% Underrated Ironic just looking at it...

"I'm not a god, I was misquoted." -- Lister, Red Dwarf
