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Comment Re:Enough with this "plot" nonsense (Score 1) 196

As a gamedesigner I think games ARE art, but this

"They're going to need less twitchy user interfaces - ones compatible with aging reflexes and presbyopic eyes - but better plot, character, and narrative development."

sounds like a movie on a DVD to me. (And yes, I'm bored of all this talking about plots in games to.)

Comment Re:Companies exist to make money (Score 1) 278

i do understand the therory behind capitalism quite well i think.

Idly wishing that some of the companies changed their business practices regardless of profit motives is just futile, that's not how capitalism works.
maybe then it's not working at all?

capitalism is a kind of economic system and in that dependent on judical laws, not laws of nature. what you mean is a theory: that money itself can optimise economics better than anything else. but this "perfect capitalist market" does exist only in theory, too. and i think you named the downsides of this approach: unethical behavior of companies.

the point in my last post was another one: what a company is, is also defined by judical laws. where i live e.g. you become a company automaticaly if you form a music-band. i have been working for lots of different companies in my live and by far the most of them had not "maximizing profits" as their first goal - if they had it at all. (of course, some companies did and those were the most crappy companies i worked for and never did stay there very long.)

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