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User Journal

Journal Journal: Blow Jobs For All

Yep, that's right, I'm going to let anyone suck my dick. Cum one, cum all. Except for you lousy poop-eaters, you are not allowed near my cock. I will, however, shit out a hot steamy turd and then walk 100 feet away and then let you eat it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Unlike those pussy bitches... 1

Unlike those pussy bitches at, I have no intention of harming Slashdot in any way. Slashdot is merely a vessel through which I conduct my speech. It is merely an place for expression.

You pussy cuntholes at can have the rare and special honour of licking my anus and eating my shit. However, you are denied the privledge of sucking my dick. You will never taste my semen you worthless shitgobblers.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Suck my fucking cock

Yeah, you heard me... Suck my fucking cock (by adding me to your foes list so you can be my "freak"). While you're at it you can lick my balls (by posting in this journal).

Thank you, that is all.

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