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User Journal

Journal Journal: The new podcast

I'm trying to not let this turn into an obsession, or to dstract from my work on the Wow! Signal, but so far it kind of is. The new podcast is the Unseen Podcast, and it is an uneditted, uncensored, open participation approach. Each episode features a panel, with the panelists drawn from a pool of people who just raise their hands by joining a G+ community. So far, we've done 4 episodes with 5 unique panelists, hoping to hit 30 panelists by Episode 26.

User Journal

Journal Journal: A new scientifically minded UFO Podcast 1

I am helping to produce a new podcast: API Case Files. This is not your usual entertainment oriented woo woo show, but a show by UFO Investigators about UFO Investigation.
BTW, I know the website's not pretty, but the guy who volunteered to be the webmaster has not been on it.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Enterprise Architect, anyone?

Just downloaded the EA demo application, which I am interested in using for Systems Engineering. Anyone want to weigh in on their experience with EA?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Midnight Satellite identified (sort of)

In this entry, I described something I thought was pretty anomalous. Since then, I've seen something very similar several times. The other day, I managed to get some 10x binoculars on it when it was right overhead. What I saw no longer looked like a point source, but an aircraft with orange lights running down the length of the underside of its fuselage. No running lights on the wingtips that I could discern. This must be some kind of military aircraft, perhaps a tanker, but its odd appearance is simply due to a bright underside light That seems to be roughly omnidirectional in its brightness.

I had hoped for something stranger, but at least there is one less wild goose to chase.


Journal Journal: The Eerie Silence 2

I strongly recommend Paul Davies' book The Eerie Silence, especially the chapter on Alien Magic.

Journal Journal: R/stats book recomendation

It's been more than 30 years since I took a stats course. Any recommendations for a good, not overly dumbed-down intro stats book that uses R?

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Top Ten Things Overheard At The ANSI C Draft Committee Meetings: (1) Gee, I wish we hadn't backed down on 'noalias'.
