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Comment Appstore replies ? (Score 3, Interesting) 241

So he got a bad review on Amazon App store he couldn't reply to & affected sales ? I have exactly the same problem on Android Marketplace, some user didn't realise what the app did (its a Utility not a game) & posted a "Dont waste your money" review on a £0.99 app. I refunded him, but I can't respond to his comments, reply to him or have the comments withdrawn, my sales slumped after that. Android Market place is no better than Amazon on this point.

Comment Re:I can think of a couple reasons why developers. (Score 1) 518

Spot on ! Anyone who bought Battlefield Bad Company 2 for PC, and had low-spec hardware - still within min specs but not the latest - will know this ! EA made a bad job of specifying the min specs, what they said should work did not. To make it worse, they have done nothing about resolving the problem or even acknowledging a problem, its been left to gamers to post in forums & solve this. PC gaming will always face such problems, console versions only take away resources from the PC development cycle.

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