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User Journal

Journal Journal: Weird 'Heat Shrinking' Material May Prove Blessing

I found this article rather interesting. I hope I hear more about this material as time goes by.

"LONDON (Reuters) - One of the world's most unusual chemical compounds may prove a godsend for dentists, chefs and even Formula One drivers as it defies the normal laws of physics with a rare ability to shrink, not expand, when heated. "


The Internet

Journal Journal: Kid Porn Suspect's Strange Saga

This is one of the most peculiar articles about a person accused of trading child porn I've ever seen. Posted on on 12/11/2001. This is an ongoing case that started in 1995. I've contacted the person who wrote the Wired article in the hopes he might have other article leads.

And oh yea..the reason I thought this case was odd...if the poor guy being charged ISN'T being framed, then I sure as hell would like to know what the f*ck is going on.,1283,48946,00.html

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