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Lord of the Rings

Journal CmderTaco's Journal: The articles I hate the most: Laptop Fuel Cells and LoTR

There are 2 subjects here that I can't stand:

The first is fuel cells for laptops. I understand the sympathy towards fuel cells - they are nice and all. But they are for the cars. Once they start making cars use them I'll be happy, because gasoline sucks and it's a very annoying energy source.

But for laptops?? Fuel cells for laptops would be useful only in the case of a person who stands in a deserted place without electricity. Such a deserted place that he doesn't even have a car near him.

Negligible market or what? So why people are making efforts on developing fuel cells for laptops? They will always cost more for the consumer. That stupidity just freaks me out.

And now, the second subject: Lord Of The Rings.

Such a boring story - it's only useful as a sleeping pill. There are hardly girls there - probably because JRR Tolkien didn't know how to operate them. It is SO BORING!

The movie is a similar story. Richard Jackson is such an idiot.. it seems like the NZ leaders told him: "Hello Richard. Here's New Zealand's national budget. Do with it everything you want". So he used all the money for the battles.. and those battles are long and tiresome. Watching them is not enjoyable and not entertaining. It's a nightmare.

So. To summarize it up:

Thank you all very much.

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The articles I hate the most: Laptop Fuel Cells and LoTR

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