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Comment Re:And this too shall pass away. (Score 0) 639

"Limited government creates economic prosperity." Did you get that off of a Tea Party website? The USA has had a huge government since the 1960's. Maybe we should go back to the colonial days for some more economic and social reform. But I missed the screaming rant of "$15 trillion going on 16" that is suppose to make you sound like you understand the US economy. I'm glad you see spending cuts as mandatory and the only fix as I'm looking forward to the next law out of congress to be "all lawmaker must wear powdered wigs and women must give up their shoes and get back in the kitchen".

Comment Re:I Am a Market Signal (Score 0) 430

I like your ideas and philosophy. But in my small town, I have the choice to work for small business A, B, C and so on. They will pay me somewhere around $7.50 an hour and sort of promise a raise after 6 months "or so". I can head to the big city 20 miles away and get $12+ an hour to work at BigBoxStore. I also get the coveted insurance coverage and few other benefits a small local business cannot offer. So I can do the "right thing" and chose to work locally but I'll still have to shop by price and that usually means on-line. In other words, the only real benefit I see is the shopkeep lives in a nice house, drives a new car, eats at great restaurants (in the big city). All of the employee of that small local business shop at the owners competitors. Obviously YMMV.

Comment Re:Gotta admit (Score 1) 183

The vast majority of people I know would laugh (behind my back) if I said, "Buy Android because it follows standards and you can inspect the code.". Only in the geeky world does standards and openness mean anything. For reference...see i-Pad, i-Phone, Windows, Microsoft. Here is what matters: What device does Bob use? Is it cool? Can I get all my stuff off this old device and make it work on the new cool device?

Comment Re:Will you ever lose your job and need health car (Score 1) 706

$12,000 a year for health insurance if unemployed. So my rainy day fund for 1 year just to live is somewhere in the neighborhood $18,000-$20,000 on an average salary of $35,000. So you're right. Out of the $35,000 I made before getting laid off I should have a surplus of $17,000 a year. $5,000 for room and board and $12,000 for health insurance. Heck, why work more than 1 year on and one year off? But in the richest nation and self professed best and coolest nation in the world, the US still has people living on the street? Impressive attitude asshole.

Comment Re:Finance reform (Score -1, Troll) 124

Sorry Haawkeye...but as the CEO of a multi-$billion corp, I am able to massage my corporation's wishes into a coherent platform and take advantage of a better business climate by donating $millions. Then I can crap all over the environment, my workers and customers with a clear conscience. Limiting my political contribution is just plain wrong. In any case, I will still walk away from my position with $35 million. Win-win for me, the company and my country. Good luck with buying your political candidate $1,500 at a time.

Comment Re:But Fox News might just take umbrage (Score 1) 209

You don't understand the conservatives called the "tea party" in the US. They will forever believe AGW is a fairy tale. They want to get into a pollution war with Asia so we again have a manufacturing advantage. They believe there are "red commies" hiding behind every rock and tree in the US. They believe the 2nd Amendment and guns trump any and every right in the world. And they have itchy trigger fingers now hoping Obama gets reelected so they can have their new "American Revolution", wear powdered wigs and march down the streets with a fife and bugle corp. And the US Constitution is theirs and anyone who isn't a tea party supported should be deported and/or executed. But this is just what they tell me 1st hand. I suppose they could be lying.

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