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Comment Re:how on earth? (Score 0) 748

Well since such a large portion of Vista is new completely rewritten code, I'd imagine it's going to be alot slower til the bugs are fixed up. Hopefully, if their architecture is better than XP as they say it is,... they'll only have to rewrite indivudal components,... I hope. Service Pack 2 for Vista could even double the speed if they get their act together. Hopefully by then people will realize that DRM sucks and MS can start removing some shit from their tubes. lol. then it might be comparable to XP maybe

Skype Blames Microsoft Patch Tuesday for Outage 286

brajesh writes to tell us that Skype has blamed its outage over the last week on Microsoft's Patch Tuesday. Apparently the huge numbers of computers rebooting (and the resulting flood of login requests) revealed a problem with the network allocation algorithm resulting in a couple days of downtime. Skype further stressed that there was no malicious activity and user security was never in any danger.

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