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Comment Re:Let's just humour them (Score 2) 235

I'd be very interested in reading your paper where you include the math where working through the conceptualization of 'outside looking in'.

I'd certainly be open to other interpretations but they need to be a bit more rigorous than: I fundamentally don't understand the math of modern cosmology so I came up with some new model that's about as complicated as visualizing an inflated balloon.

BTW, your analogy really ought to be 20 cameras not 20 eye witnesses. That's a closer approximation.

Comment Re:Volunteers (Score 3, Insightful) 59

Given that so much of the non-GNU/Linux code is written by paid programmers I wonder who it is exactly that is going to fix all the code. I mean back when it was written Computer programming was much less of a gold rush. Nowadays everyone is competing for jobs that pay $120,000. Who is willing to pay programmers to go through all of the old code to fix it.

It's really not an issue. It's already fixed in OpenBSD. Certainly there's some user space code that also counts seconds since 1970 but if folks would simply start now there's no future fix necessary. The set of code written today which will be in use in 2038 will be vanishingly small. The remaining folks will pay some gray hair to knock it into shape. Missed code will make itself apparent sometime that Tuesday morning.

Comment Re:School me on well water (Score 4, Informative) 328

First of all people have been drinking water out of wells for several thousand years prior to the invention of reverse osmosis systems. In general it's completely safe, in specific areas it could be unwise.

Second of all there's a difference between: is it safe to drink water from an arbitrary well, and why does this well that used to be safe to drink now contain fracking byproducts.

If in fact the well had been perfectly fine to drink until recently and is now contaminated with fracking byproducts then I think it's reasonable to ask the drilling companies to stop and fix their system.

Comment Not really surprising (Score 1) 74

I never really understand why folks are surprised by this kind of thing. There's nothing fundamentally different between a Windows box attached to the internet in the late 90s and a cell phone except that a heck of a lot more people have cell phones and they're easier to connect to a remote site. Both systems are perfectly happy to let you install random software you found god knows where that does god knows what. All that's really changed is the admission bar has lowered.

They should be ecstatic that all these apps do is send some tracking info to a few thousand sites.

Comment Re:They thought this would work? (Score 4, Insightful) 93

That's good entry level tight strategy but will get you cleaned out playing no limit against a seasoned pro. You really have to learn how to win with any two random cards against any flop. You don't make a run at the hand every time but you must occasionally. If you know your opponent only plays face cards and likes to slow play strong hands preflop I'd rather call a minimum bet preflop with 2 3 than with KQ. I can get out cheap or absolutely clobber him with a good flop and I avoid the risk that he has some Ax, KK, QQ, JJ or some other face cards that can put my KQ in an uncomfortable spot.

Lastly, if in doubt never call. Either raise or fold. Calling should be a very deliberate play. Most folks call because they have no clue if they're winning or losing a hand. Hint, you're losing.

Comment Good enough to quit (Score 2) 211

I seemed to gravitate to management where ever I went. I tried to do real work while organizing and directing the folks that worked for me. After almost 2 decades I finally got good enough at real work that they let me stop managing and just go back to working for a living. Much more enjoyable.

Then again maybe they realized I sucked as a manager.

Comment Re: And GOD said (Score 2, Informative) 133

It's not my fault because I didn't create the circumstances and I'm powerless to prevent or cure it. How the hell is it not his fault. He's omniscient and omnipotent. He knows it happens and could stop it yet chooses not to. If you see a child being beaten and killed do you step in and help or do you stand around and watch to see if any of your peers are worthy of your respect.

Is he infinite or is he finite. You can't have it both ways. If he's infinite he's demented, if he's finite he may be worthy of respect or awe but not worship.

Comment Re: And GOD said (Score 4, Insightful) 133

It worked, I have no faith in him what so ever. Frankly he's a right prick. Ooh, lets test those parents faith by giving their new born child some hideously painful cancer. It's ok though because their baby will live forever up in heaven and it's worth it to cause all that pain on the offhand chance one of its parents makes the grade.

I'd be a better god than that jack ass. If he really does exist I want nothing to do with him and given half the chance I'd beat the shit out of him when I saw him.

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