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Comment Re:Crash and burn (Score 1) 242

The "pay attention" rationale doesn't hold water since they're not preventing people reading paper books or the newspapers they sometimes give out when you board.

Books and newspapers typically do not feature headphones. To me, it seems much easier to say "put away all electronic devices" rather than try to hash out a list of exceptions.

Comment Re:Lies (Score 2) 1264

has circumcision ever been shown to be linked to something harmful?

Ask my penis. Specifically, ask my penis about the part that went missing 36 years ago.

Or, consider this:

In the matter of circumcision of newborn males, it must be recognized that the child is normal as born, and that circumcision inflicts loss of a normal body part and leaves a scar. This is contrary to the motto of medicine which is "First, do no harm. "

Or, consider this: (graphic)

For more:

Comment Re:Actually...last 6 years for me. (Score 0) 263

I haven't had "TV" for 6 years.

We've all been there. You're at a dinner party of gathering and introduced to a new acquaintance. As the conversation develops you rattle through a list of topics - food, movies, music, TV... and that's when your new 'friend' drops the bombshell. You ask if they're following Game of Thrones or the new season of Mad Men. They reply, 'I don't have a TV', acting as though this is a point of social pride.

Okay so the scenario doesn't always play out quite like that. Sometimes people will say they "don't watch much TV" or "don't have time for TV" - but the insinuation is still the same. These are busy people leading busy lives and don't have time for all that trash on TV. After all they're far too cultured to waste their time on that grubby little device. Ugh!

For the rest...

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