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Comment Re:Voting Schmoting (Score 2) 80

It's not a problem. I provide them with e-mail and cell numbers. If they choose not to make that one, very minor, effort to reach out, eff 'em. Now I know where I stand and can move on. I ditched my account several months ago, and have not missed it. Still see the same people that I gave a damn about on line, and don't have to hear from/about the ones I don't (and they in turn don't have to pretend to like me, either).

Comment Wait, what? (Score 1) 376

When asked why she chose this movie:

It's because the art world has flat-lined and become an echo chamber of received opinion and toxic over-praise.

So she's railing against over-praise by... over-praising something. Maybe there's genius in that, but I think she believes she is being deep, which is ironic, and doubly so when you read what she said just prior to that:

There's too much gimmickry and irony and not enough intuition and emotion.

Gimmickry? I'm not sure it's possible that he could have included any more in the movie (everything from "gimmicky" CGI to story gimmick - I mean come on, Anakin BUILT the two 'droids? Really? It's a big fuckin' galaxy, I ain't buyin' it. And yes I know, that reveal wasn't in THIS film, but still...). Irony? Well, not only is her choice ironic considering WHY she says she chose it, but the irony of Lucas eschewing his younger self's statement that (paraphrasing here) technology should not win out over humanity is a most perfect example of the meaning of the word. And if she was looking for emotion, boy did she pick something with an overdose.

Comment Re:What?...Who, me?...Hahahahohohohee! (Score 1) 227

Amen. My life is quite nice without an account on FB. My fiancee deleted hers just after the most recent US presidential election, as she got tired of all the posts claiming that "this is it - the world is now going to end, our country will become 100% socialist and fall apart" etc. She, too, is less stressed/annoyed without one. It's not very hard to survive cutting the cord.

Comment Re:Sounds improbable (Score 1) 513

Good point. I also wonder what Dutch law is as to the admission of DNA evidence in trial is. Is it enough to provide grounds for arrest, but not usable in court? Is it admissible in court but only to be considered as circumstantial. Clearly, IANAL, so I'm curious. Perhaps (as others have said) this allows him to clear his conscience and still have a chance of not being convicted.

Comment Re:Dis-kinect the spy camera? (Score 1) 478

I didn't. Quit using DVD players entirely. Netflix, or an alternate source if it's not there.

I didn't. Never owned one, don't want one. Not compelling enough to spend money on, partly because of DRM.

I didn't. Not only was Diablo III not interesting enough, but when I heard what they'd done, I knew I'd never, ever buy it.

Point is, yes these products still sell, but they doubtlessly would sell more if they didn't try to control so much. They have achieved the reverse of their goals - in fearing theft and piracy, and in the throes of the insanity that the insatiable lust for more profit brings, they've driven more to "steal" (the definition of this has been debated over & over again here on SD) and fewer to purchase.

Comment Re:This thing is as clear as mud. (Score 1) 43

You pretty much got it.

Further, by placing an opaque "marker" on the screen to see your "personal view" you've just obscured part of other people's "public view," meaning you're still blocking the screen. I declare this "technically interesting but otherwise inane" technology.

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