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Comment Re:Notice how they try to cast second sale as pira (Score 1) 214

It's not just that, what about the friends that share games with each other? I've purchased maybe ten games over the past five years, and borrowed over one hundred from friends. We always ask our friends if they have anything that we want to play before we purchase it. Overall, this group of seven friends has probably saved thousands of dollars by avoiding purchasing a copy of each single player games. Maybe we're just cheap, but it's how we grew up: sharing, and waiting your turn.

Comment I already know what happened... (Score 4, Insightful) 258

Sony is competing with multiple markets that people aren't going view as legitimate. To them, the PSP isn't directly competing to the DS. They see it as something that is better than an Ipod Touch [same price point for a 16 gb unit]. So they view that a wise consumer is going to see 'I could get a DS, and an Ipod, or I could get a Psp!' The real world isn't working out to be that way though. Sony has classic tunnel vision.

Comment Re:and baking is just knowing the recipe (Score 1) 463

Also there is a great deal in surviving at high percents. Whenever a player is hit they have what is known as DI [Directional Influence]. Around the level is more or less a giant bounding box typically a rectangle. You're goal is always to DI in a direction perpendicular to the direction that you are flying. Furthermore there's utilization of attacks that allow to stall the momentum of a hit. Rather in depth actually.

Stamina mode is a completely different game. The main reason I say this is the game no longer accounts for the knockback being added for future attacks. Everything has set knock back, which can create many dumb situations. I don't see why you fear the % sign so much in the game. All it governs is the amount of knockback you are taking. Initial knock back of a move x percent = total knockback power.

Comment MMORPGs and the 'Something Shiney Effect.' (Score 2, Insightful) 424

MMORPGs as a whole are designed to spread content through the level range, where equipment is relatively scaled to what you need at the time. In WoW, you can easily survive till level 50 by just using the loot that you find on enemies you defeat. If you stick with the quests that are given, you get great level specific hand outs. Unfortunately, once through in the existence of a higher level, players will not care about the content that they are already in. It is this style of player that is prayed upon by the Gold/gear sellers. They want to experience the high end of a game, and don't care at all about the low end. They do no care about the quality of the level 10 quests, or anything else that doesn't gratify them instantly. No matter what a game developer does, they will never be able to prevent this manner of thinking without abolishing the entire working model of an MMORPG. People love progress. They love the thrill of leveling up and gaining near gear. Gold Farming is just an byproduct of the system.

Comment Re:I did say there was more than one issue :P (Score 1) 54

You can purchase Inspirations during a TF in the Oro Portal. You can also get them from your Super Group Base. In regards to the traveling powers issue... Players can do a bank mission string [five misisons] and get rewarded with a Flight Pack or a Jump Pack during that level range.

You call getting to level 20 a grind. Just who are you playing with? If you focus on doing story archs such as the initial contact arch, the Hollows Story Arch, and stick to a team. You'll to level 20 in less ten hours of playtime.

Furthermore, when you claim that the game punishes new players for lack of knowledge. They do allow you to respec your characters slotting and powers after doing a Task Force designed to be relatively easy. Let's not forget that at level 10 you get a separate build for your character so that you can get a second chance at it. Or maybe you've gotten about the Test Server where you can copy a character over and test everything out?

Accuracy is largely dependent on the level of your opponent. In a Task Force [your main complaint] the opponents that you are facing are typically +4 to +5 above your level at the start. As you level through the task force, you've gained levels towards the end were everything is down to +2 or +3. Let's not forget the amazing bonuses that the leader ship pool give to your entire team. [especially when stacked.]

Comment Re:This has been done already... (Score 2, Informative) 43

And let's not forget Xfire. http://www.xfire.com/ " Xfire is a free gaming tool that automatically keeps track of when and where gamers are playing PC games online and lets their friends join them easily. It doesn't matter which online game your friends are playing, which server browser they are using, or which gaming service they're playing on; Xfire is intelligent enough to recognize where your friends are at any time. "

Comment Re:Don't Stick Your Neck Out, But CYA & Pass t (Score 1) 614

Just to throw it out there, since you are now known as 'KNOWING' that there is such an issue. You must at least report it to someone that is higher in the chain of command than you. Save the document that you send, and cover your ass. Essentially your e-mail/letter should have your professional recommendations, and that you are leaving it in their hands.

Submission + - Autopatcher Taken Down. (autopatcher.com)

KyoMamoru writes: ""Today we received an e-mail from Microsoft, requesting the immediate take-down of the download page, which of course means that AutoPatcher is probably history. As much as we disagree, we can do very little, and although the download page is merely a collection of mirrors, we took the download page down. We would like to thank you for your support. For the past 4 years, it has been a blast. Unfortunately, it seems like it's the end of AutoPatcher as we know it. Comments are welcome... Antonis Kaladis""

Submission + - Can statistics predict the outcome of a war? (texyt.com)

StatisticallyDeadGuy writes: A University of Georgia scientist has developed a statistical system that, she claims, can predict the outcome of wars with an accuracy of 80 percent. Her approach, applied retrospectively, says the US chance of victory in the first Gulf War was 93%, while the poor Soviets only had a seven percent chance in Afghanistan (if only they'd known; failure maybe triggered the collapse of the USSR). As for the current Iraq conflict: the US started off with a 70% chance of a successful regime change, which was duly achieved — but extending the mission past this to support a weak government has dropped the probability of ultimate success to 26%. Full details of the forecasting methodology are revealed in a new paper (subscription required — link goes to abstract).

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