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Submission + - Spammers use modified PDF files to avoid detection

thefickler writes: In the continuing effort to get more spam past email filters, professional spammers are not only stepping up their use of PDF attachments to deliver their offers of penile implants and cheap pharmaceuticals, but they are also modifying the PDFs to avoid detection. Worse yet, the chief security analyst at MessageLabs, Mark Sunner, has suggested that PDF attachments might soon be used by spammers to delivery malware.

Submission + - Open-source Sophie may steal thunder of Web gurus (sophieproject.org)

VeryVito writes: Flash and Web multimedia developers are taking note of a quietly announced new offering from The Institute for the Future of the Book: an open-source, cross-platform and very real multimedia publishing platform (Sophie) that's made for the non-technical Everyman.

Today, even the simplest "rich media" projects still demand a good understanding of the tools we designers and developers use to create our wares. Flash, After Effects and Flex (or *gasp* even PowerPoint) may seem like overkill ... but the truth is, most people wouldn't know how to begin such a project without them (or how to begin with them, for that matter).
Sophie is planning to change that, and from the looks of it, it's off to a good start. Sophie already runs on Windows, Linux and OS X, and the creators are even preparing it for the OLPC platform.

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