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Comment Closed-Source Drivers (Score 1) 194

There have been unofficial statements that certain parts of the kernel and userspace, driving certain pieces of the SoC like the 3D rasterizer, will not have any corresponding source code available and will only be made available as licensed binary blobs.

Can we get an official statement on the matter? What's your stance on open drivers, and why are you for/opposed to them?

~ C.

Comment Re:"much clearer now just how important OSUOSL is" (Score 2) 55

I am not a full-timer, and I am not speaking on behalf of OSL.

The "legal reasons" alluded to are mostly problems with other signers on the contract for our upstream bandwidth provider. *coughDuckscough* At our bandwidth scale, tunneling is not feasible.

We don't run Puppet at the moment, we run CFEngine. Everybody's receiving Puppet training and there's a slow-yet-steady migration to Puppet, but these things take time. There are quite a few people depending on us to not fuck up, so we don't change our stacks without deliberation and testing.

Comment Re:The natives probably won't be getting the jobs. (Score 3, Informative) 136

Disclosure: I work for the Oregon State University Open Source Lab, which recently received donations from Facebook.

I've been out to this datacenter. They employed quite a number of locals to build the place, and although the skeleton crew is only 35, they plan to keep a bigger crew of hundreds out there most of the time. In the medium term, they plan to build *two* more buildings the size of their current one, extending their current need for construction for another two years or so, and requiring a reasonably-sized group of engineers to live in the Prineville area for a while. So Facebook's put money, jobs, and consumers into Prineville, and apparently, according to the locals, this was a real lifesaver for many of the construction workers who were otherwise broke and unemployed.

I'm not a fan of Facebook, but this doesn't really seem like a horrible corporate exploitation.

Comment I asked about this at Google I/O! (Score 4, Insightful) 120 is the video. In short, I asked the NaCl guy whether they knew what they were doing by letting NaCl clients access GPUs directly. His response was that they were doing everything WebGL does to protect the system from malicious code. That's unfortunately not sufficient.

Comment Re:So what did I already buy? (Score 1) 235

IOCP or WMFO are both options on Windows which are worth investigating. Thankfully, a bit ago (sometime last decade) somebody wrote a Java library called NIO ( which provides platform-independent networking services, and somebody else included it into the Java standard library. Then, some people wrote a thing called MINA ( which provides even better networking services on top of NIO, and somebody else got the Apache guys to maintain it.

So yeah, there's no excuse for thead-per-connection these days. Using NIO or MINA in Java is the right way to build asynchronous servers.

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