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Comment Re:Calm before the hyperbole (Score 1) 566

Well, dairy farmers still use BGH, and this was over 12 years ago and most milk drinkers are not dead...

What a horrible misrepresentation of the truth. Many large retailers refuse to sell milk from dairies where bST is used. For example, here in Oregon, Tillamook products have no bST. Neither does any milk sold at Safeway or Wal-Mart, two of the biggest grocery chains in the area, and many other grocers like Albertson's, Fred Meyer, Market of Choice, and so forth promote and market bST-free milk. I don't actually know where I would go if I wanted to obtain milk from a bST-using dairy.

This stuff's banned in the rest of the modernized world. Banned in the EU, banned in Canada... Over half of all milk sold in the USA is bST-free, too.

While you might be technically accurate on the rest of your post (which I highly doubt but don't feel like getting into), you are straight-up wrong on BGH/bST.

Comment Re:What is Mesa? (Score 2) 80

MesaGL is an implementation of the GL API that can use any of several backends to do its actual work, including a couple software renderers and also hardware renderers for many Intel, AMD/ATI, and nVidia chipsets. Your distribution probably splits each renderer into its own package for historical reasons.

Comment Re:More important (Score 1) 148

The nuclear power plant in-show represents Weyerhaeuser ( ), a large paper company for whom just about everybody worked in the 80s. Either you worked for them, your spouse worked for them, or your parent worked for them. This was the big industry in the Eugene/Springfield area when Groening was young. I imagine he went with a nuclear power plant instead because of the comedic opportunities.

Comment Closed-Source Drivers (Score 1) 194

There have been unofficial statements that certain parts of the kernel and userspace, driving certain pieces of the SoC like the 3D rasterizer, will not have any corresponding source code available and will only be made available as licensed binary blobs.

Can we get an official statement on the matter? What's your stance on open drivers, and why are you for/opposed to them?

~ C.

Comment Re:"much clearer now just how important OSUOSL is" (Score 2) 55

I am not a full-timer, and I am not speaking on behalf of OSL.

The "legal reasons" alluded to are mostly problems with other signers on the contract for our upstream bandwidth provider. *coughDuckscough* At our bandwidth scale, tunneling is not feasible.

We don't run Puppet at the moment, we run CFEngine. Everybody's receiving Puppet training and there's a slow-yet-steady migration to Puppet, but these things take time. There are quite a few people depending on us to not fuck up, so we don't change our stacks without deliberation and testing.

Comment Re:The natives probably won't be getting the jobs. (Score 3, Informative) 136

Disclosure: I work for the Oregon State University Open Source Lab, which recently received donations from Facebook.

I've been out to this datacenter. They employed quite a number of locals to build the place, and although the skeleton crew is only 35, they plan to keep a bigger crew of hundreds out there most of the time. In the medium term, they plan to build *two* more buildings the size of their current one, extending their current need for construction for another two years or so, and requiring a reasonably-sized group of engineers to live in the Prineville area for a while. So Facebook's put money, jobs, and consumers into Prineville, and apparently, according to the locals, this was a real lifesaver for many of the construction workers who were otherwise broke and unemployed.

I'm not a fan of Facebook, but this doesn't really seem like a horrible corporate exploitation.

Comment I asked about this at Google I/O! (Score 4, Insightful) 120 is the video. In short, I asked the NaCl guy whether they knew what they were doing by letting NaCl clients access GPUs directly. His response was that they were doing everything WebGL does to protect the system from malicious code. That's unfortunately not sufficient.

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