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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 26 declined, 6 accepted (32 total, 18.75% accepted)


Submission + - CIA says most voting machines can be hacked (

ISoldat53 writes: "The CIA, which has been monitoring foreign countries' use of electronic voting systems, has reported apparent vote-rigging schemes in Venezuela, Macedonia and Ukraine and a raft of concerns about the machines' vulnerability to tampering."

Submission + - Anathem

ISoldat53 writes: Any reviews of Neal Stephenson's new book "Anathem?" Before investing the usual amount of time to one of Stephenson's book I'd like to know if it's worth it.

Submission + - Carl Icahn wants to oust Yahoo! Board

ISoldat53 writes: According to the paper this morning Carl Icahn who owns approximately 4% of Yahoo!'s stock wants to replace the Board of Directors. How can someone that owns only 4% of a company have so much power?

Submission + - Talk Like a Pirate Day

ISoldat53 writes: "From "The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster" INTERNATIONAL TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY takes place every September 19 and is a fine day for Pastafarians to celebrate their Pirate roots. Much like Halloween, Pastafarians are encouraged to seek out wenches and grog on this holiday; candy is optional. It should also be noted that International Talk Like a Pirate Day might be a good time for evangelical work, as grog weakens even the most hardened mind and makes people more open to alternative viewpoints like Pastafarianism. It is estimated that one half of annual conversions to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster take place on this day. RAmin"

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